Earn and Save
You can begin right now to earn and save money to fund your college dream.
--get a job by looking at craigslist, talking to friends and family, walking into shops or restaurants or boat companies or offices, placing an ad in craigslist...in other words, asking.
Some tips: go in person
get the application done cleanly and submitted quickly
follow up--go in, call, email--but follow up. It shows you care and can!
dress for success, in other words, clean and well-groomed with nice-looking clothes and not too much skin
research a little bit about the company--just go on-line--especially before an interview
Why these tips? You are right. It's obvious!! Be the person you would hire: reliable, ready, and responsible.
--establish a college savings account...go to the bank with your first deposit and ask them to set it up. Easy!
You can do it!

The Bridge: Kaua’i to College, 8/2016